Senator Roberts put forth the bill, later known as Jared's Law, that requires training for all school staff in TN at no cost to any school.
In 2014 Deb Martin began traveling around the world speaking to schools, churches, EMS, and community groups spreading the message of teen suicide awareness.
Jared's Keepers in active in the US Virgin Islands. Stopping the stigma and lending a hand to those who struggle.
Good Hope Country Day School on St. Croix, USVI - Deb was asked to reach these students and help them understand the loss of Jared.
1st talk given about Jared - just 4 months after his passing.
Surgeon General's Call to Action To Implement The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention plan was released in January 2021. The information within this CTA supports the strategies Jared's Keepers Foundation, Inc has been using since 2014. We are proud to be ahead of the research that supports the life saving approach to suicide we use. We are a strong believer in listening to our stakeholder. Our stakeholders are the teens. Who better to tell us what they need than them? Strategies and techniques must be constantly updated and changing with our teens.
We are proud that our strategy, guided by teens across the country since 2014, has been supported by the recently released Strategies and Approaches to Prevent Suicide guidelines set forth by the CDC and the Surgeon General reports released in early 2021. Jared's Keepers listens and responds based on the immediate needs of our teen community. This is what sets us apart. We are a PREVENTION foundation not just an awareness foundation.
This plan was developed for a school district in Illinois following the suicide of two students in a 90-day span. The students spoke up, acted, and helped a district navigate difficult waters. We were proud to help the students organize their thoughts and needs into this proposal that is now policy at their school. You will notice it allows for the combining of this part with the Crisis Intervention Plan that should be established at all schools that work with local law enforcement, EMS, and Fire.
The big day may have come and gone, but keep in touch as we’re always up to something new and exciting.